Range Day for the .257 Roberts


Ammo Smith
Nov 6, 2009
First day out for me with the .257 Roberts this summer. It looks as though this rifle is going to be a shooter, at least with 85 grain BT's and 100 gr Partitions. The target on the left has one pulled (I think) but has 2 in 1/4 inch and the third makes a MOA group with 100 gr Partitions and 46.0 grains of IMR4350 at about 3100 fps. The taped holes are sight in shots. The group on the right is 85 gr Ballistic Tips with 44.0 grains of IMR 4064 at 3385 fps. The ballistic tips have me convinced that this gun will shoot and shoot pretty fast. I just need to get me back in form and we are in good shape. Scope was Zeiss Diavari V 5-15x42.

That is excellent Charlie, I am glad you been able to make it to the range. Hopefully this fall a Whitetail crosses the path of your 257 Bob :wink:
You will have it shooting just the way you want it by fall.
Keep up the good work my friend..


Nice shooting.
I shoot the same load with the 100 gr BT and PT bullets for sub MOA accuracy in a 700 Classic 257 Bob.

Thanks guys, I am really glad to be back on the range and shooting again. This was a really bad winter that had to end somehow and I am glad it ended this way.
JD, That 100 gr Partition load is really a good one! Next I am going to start working on the 110 Accubonds. I had some loads today with 48.0 gr of Hybrid 100 V and the 110 AccuBond. They were too hot and left a small ejector mark on case, hard to open bolt. I am going to drop back a couple grains and take the chronograph with me next time. I shot one group of three and will pull the bullets on the rest.
Fine work, Charlie. Good to see you shooting. I need to load up some loads on my .257 Bob and get out to the range this coming week.
Thanks DrMike, have fun with your Bob, I always enjoy shooting the .257 Bob. That Hybrid 100 V powder is not nearly as slow as the Marketeer's said it is. I think it is a ball version of IMR 4350! Oh well back to the drawing board.
My brief experience with H100V is that the burn rate changes pretty dramatically with volume differential, Charlie.
OT3- those groups look fine. Glad your getting out again. Good luck with those AB,s.
Glad to see you get a chance to stretch that Mauser out after all the work and investment. Looks like it was worth all your efforts! I have had good results using IMR-4350 and the 110gr AB. Hopefully a fat Mulie will step out for you this fall and you can put that PT to good use.
Oldtrader3":2bhmwmu5 said:
MOA group with 100 gr Partitions and 46.0 grains of IMR4350 at about 3100 fps.

Sounds like venison burgers to me! Good work, sir, and a great way to start the summer!
Nice shooting Charlie. That is a great combo right there.

I would imagine H100V and IMR4350 should be danged good with the 100's once you find the node they like.
Scotty, the 100 Partitions shoot well with 46.0 grains of IMR 4350 when I do my job! It is the 110 Accubonds which are giving me problems but I have only shot factory loads and one load of H100V which was too hot. The factory 110 AB loads don't shoot well either with the factory loads. I obviously need to do more work on this bullet?

I have never used H100V before but a comment by DrMike has me thinking about the powder. I will try some IMR 4350 and 4064, alone with the H100V and even 7828 SSC and see what I come up with. The factory 110 gr Nosler loads give me 3040 fps, just not great accuracy.
Charlie you might want to try some Winchester 760 ( 40grs ) with the 100gr bullets. My Custom 257 Rob with a 1-12 twist Douglas barrel will put 5 Hornaday's 100gr spire point into a 3/8 inch group at 100yds with an old 10x Bushnell Banner on top from the 80s. I load 49grs of IMR 4350 under a Hornaday 75gr. Hp for ground hogs. I have to use short bullets because of the 1-12 twist won't stablelize the longer 120s.
It loves the 117gr Hornaday round nose with 40.6grs IMR 4350 and 40.4grs of 760 Win.
My Robby is built on a 725 Remington long action. :grin: