Poll Results-MSNBC


Ammo Smith
Nov 6, 2009
Liar, liar pant's on fire! Now MSNBC is claiming that 60% of American's want gun control. Where did they conduct this poll, it was done in a place where the locals are 83% democrat, no wonder, why don't the do the poll where voter dynamics are 45 percent Republican and 45% Democrat (as the US is)? These polls sicken me that that their editor's impose "right thinking" on them through cheating on population dynamic balance on where the poll was done. Not freedom of speech! This is statistical lying at its very best!
I've noticed throughout their coverage, NBC is doing their darnedest to tilt the conversation in a particular direction.
MSNBC makes me want to puke.
They are loosers and I never watch them.

ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC has been pulling this crap for decades. News executives long ago adopted the belief that their mission is not to report on events and public opinion, but to form public opinion. Not a thing they say should be taken as factual.
I agree with all of you on PMSNBC 8)
What does concern me is how many out there take that kind of editorializing (far from actual reporting) as a fact.
I also worry about the "sheep following the judas goat" on these things.
And right you are to worry, dewey. That is one reason I have made it my mission to open the eyes and ears of every receptive person I possibly can. I am just like the next guy and all this stuff wears on me to the point I need to take a break now and then, but I get right back up on the soapbox after a time and get with it again as soon as I feel recharged enough to do so. It feels like a lost cause at times, but I'll be damned if I am going to see Liberty slip away without hollerin' like a mashed cat and trying to do something about it. Too many graves are the residence of too many good men who fought and died for freedom to do anything less.
Me also, I am writing letters and posting on Linked-In to make sure that all get the word on Pinocchio and his media. I am also aware that they send their stories to King Pinocchio's editors before they air them.