One man, One rifle, One land

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
We may have had a thread on this already, I can't recall for sure:

Thanks to a good friend, I'm slowly paging through, one chapter at a time, an outstanding book on hunting!

The author, JY Jones, documented years of hunting, I think 41 different big game animals in North America... From whitetail deer to polar bear, bison, musk ox... All with a 30-06 Remington 700, an old 2-7x Redfield and two different handloads, the 165 gr Nosler Partition and the 200 gr Nosler Partition. A friend loaded all of his hunting ammo.

His writing is extraordinary. The photography is good.


In the forward to the book, Boddington refers to Jones as an "experiential" hunter. Someone who hunts for the experience of it, something I can well identify with, though I obviously don't have the financial resources to hunt as far and wide as either Jones or Boddington.

Jones' reverence for the country he hunts in, and the animals he pursues, comes through loud and clear. He's obviously a man of strong moral character.

It's a relatively huge book, physically. Think about a big encyclopedia or a large school textbook for comparison. I'm taking my time with it, and have only read a few chapters so far. Savoring each story, and frankly with writing of this caliber, I'm savoring each paragraph.

I'd heard of Jones, his hunts, his book. But until now I hadn't read his adventures. If you'd enjoy well-written hunting tales, perhaps over this winter, consider latching onto a copy of this fine book.

Regards, Guy
It's an outstanding book and well worth sharing with your friends if you have it. Come to think of it, my buddy still has my copy.

Jones appreciated all these hunts and the places, the people, and the animals he chased. I would welcome a chance to pursue half these species, but with his wonderful record I can visit these places with him.

Thanks for mentioning the book and it's a fine gift too if you know a 30-06 toting hunter coming up on a birthday.
I really enjoy some of those older books Guy. I wouldn't of known this one existed without you posting it so I appreciate the info. I will certainly look for it!
ShadeTree":nd400rav said:
I really enjoy some of those older books Guy. I wouldn't of known this one existed without you posting it so I appreciate the info. I will certainly look for it!

Published in 2001 I think. There was one available on Amazon when I checked. Reasonable price.

Well - it just made the Christmas list. I go back and read portions of Dads copy of "Big Game of North America" by Jack O'Connor occasionally. Would be nice to have some new material. Thanks - CL
I have had this book for awhile now, and need to get it out and read it. So many things to do, so little time!

He has another book; Another Rifle, Another Land (if memory serves) that is also supposed to be very good.
I believe he covers almost 120 species in Asia and Europe.

Apparently, he has never hunted Africa, and yet is a very accomplished hunter of big game around the world, as his books testify to.
That is correct Gil and it is also a good read

Worship not the creature is a thought provoking book by the same author
cloverleaf":2f32l3pn said:
Well - it just made the Christmas list. I go back and read portions of Dads copy of "Big Game of North America" by Jack O'Connor occasionally. Would be nice to have some new material. Thanks - CL

I hope you can latch onto a copy. I'm savoring each chapter. Will take me a year to read this book the way I'm doing it.

Probably took him a long time to write it! I think it's 25 years of hunting.

I'm right there with you Guy and I'm working on this same book myself. I think I'm just a little over half ways through it. My next story up is Jaguar. I'm really enjoying the book also. Good read!
Thanks for the heads-up Guy! Yep, I "sniped it" on Amazon pronto! ha Since I have been "violated*" by Obammacare, had to refinance my home to pay taxes on benefits I formally enjoyed ( lets don't forget the "penalties" that accumulate while your CPA is trying to sort it all out!) sell off my treasures, start a pt job at Home Depot...well, I have been "vicariously" living through others experiences for the past year & half, ha. I enjoy this kind of writing/experiences as well. I too would have picked a 30-06, and those two weights of bullets for everything! I am one of those that feel a 200gr '06 really gives a 7mm Rem Mag a run for its money on bigger/tougher game, if not surpass it. Thanks again Pard!

* Changed it!
Thank you Guy for the heads up as I will like need a good read for the next 6 to 8 weeks as I have been advised to lay off the weights :evil:. The are trying to figure out if I have tendonitis or nerve damage it both my elbows :roll:.
I guess time does catch up to all of us to some degree :cry:.

preacher and sask boy

preacher, my son has also complained about obamacare and how it disrupted his business and life of his family. The senator from my home state of Arizona voted no on a replacement bill. Hopefully the senate and house will stay in Republican hands and we can get another vote on it next year, since the senator who voted against it has passed away. Best of luck in your "recovery" ahead

Dan, I hate to tell you this but it only gets worse from here )-; I have started reading more novels and not just on hunting. During our time in Greece I stumbled across some interesting books on Greek mythology. Some one ask me if I read any romance novels and I relied--"for what possible reason". of course I could say that about hunting to I suppose, since I can hunt anymore.

O.k. back to Guy's thread--see my first post on this thread
Thanks for the recommendation, Guy. It sounded like something I would enjoy, so I ordered a copy from Amazon.

Guy I am just about finished with mine. Believe I have three chapters left. I've really enjoyed the book completely.
