New Practice Rifle.


Mar 6, 2017
I had a pump 22 my Dad picked up off a yard sale table and gave to me, that I used to practice open sight shooting. Decent looking rifle and I liked how it handled, but it was made in China and displayed a frustrating amount of mis-fires mixed in. I had it apart and couldn't determine the issue. Headspace maybe?

Anyways spied a Erma Werke lever action on the shelf at a LGS in nice condition. A Winchester 9422 look a like it appears. Made in Germany. Not a high dollar rifle, but I liked it. Traded that pump and gave them $150 boot money. Told them the pump misfires sometimes.

Ran 70-80 rounds through it this evening. Action works smooth as butter. Fed and ejected like a champ and no misfires with cheap Federal bulk ammo. Good trade for a better gun.

Shoots surprisingly well also. I'll probably take the hood off to let more light in, and might someday change the front sight blade. It's pretty wide and chunky.

2 of the better 8 round groups at 25 yds. Need to make some major sight adjustments, but I was just going for groups this evening.

Looks as if you've found a genuine shooter. Congratulations. That appears to be a rifle worth owning.
Appears so Dr Mike. I was surprised at how well it shot the cheap bulk ammo. I had a small amount of CCI standard velocity and it shot that well also, but other than the fliers it shot the Federal bulk into the smallest holes on numerous targets. Main thing for me along with accuracy, was flawless functioning.

A little better pic that's not so dark. Cool little well made rifle from what I can tell initially.

Good looking little 22 rifle! And you're right, it's shooting just fine.

Had my 22 Marlin out to the range not long ago. My favorite rifle to shoot.
