Looking into putting together a 22LR for PRS


Nov 25, 2013
Looking at getting a Bergara B-14R LH Trainer w/ 18" Carbon Fiber Barrel...
Have always wanted an accurate LH 22LR bolt action.
Trying to figure out the right optics and rail for shooting out to 300 yards...and reticle...haven't dabbled in this arena before...

Anyone playing in this field with first hand experience as to the best combination?
Not sure I want to spend the money that it would take for NightForce...
Definitely do not want a Vortex...
Burris, maybe? Signature...or Veracity...3-15 or 4-20 power?
Anyone with experience with these scopes?
I know Burris has always been a reliable scope brand with decent optics...

We tried a Signature 3-15 x 44 in medium Weaver rings on it today and it clears the rail and the bolt. It is a SFP w/ 1" tube with paralax adjustable down to 25 yards. Looks like it will need a 20MOA rail for its reticle for out to 300 yards.

The Veracity 3-15x50 and 4-20x50 weren't in stock to try for ring height and rail and bolt clearance. They are FFP, 30mm tube with paralax adjustable down to 50 yards. Rail???
There is a growing interest in this at our local gun club. I started messing around with this at home.
Took my old Remington 541T-HB and mounted an old VX II 4-12x40mm with target turrets and put a100 yard zero on it. I figured out my come ups and consistency hit my 250 yard gong. I'm using regular (and cheap) Remington Thunderbolts.
It's a ton of fun!

Oh great, something new for me to obsess over! Thanks!

Just kidding, but it does sound like a ton of fun. I'll be interested in how well the Bergara works for you.
I put a Tikka together with a Leupold VXII 6-18 with target turrets I had . I need 45 MOA to get to 300 yards using a 50 yard zero . it takes a lot of elevation to get these out there . I'm using up target ammo I have from shooting bullseye pistol matches . a couple guys I shoot with are using a scope with a drop reticle in it set up for a 22 rimfire . it seems to work pretty well for them . I'm not sure if the reticle does it , or if they are dialing along with the reticle . I'm pretty sure it's a hawk brand scope . like JD said , it's a lot of fun .
This PRS business sounds like fun. With a .22 makes it more so. Wish there was a discipline that didnt require $300 worth of equiptment. Somebody has Grandpas Remington 551 with a 4x Glenfield branded scope.... That needs some game to play too. Enjoy your new rifle. CL
Lots of info out there on the rifle and various ammo being used for NL22 and PRS...but not as much info on selecting scopes, reticles and rails to get the elevation range needed...and how the Zero Stop impacts the choice of scope and reticle...and to what extent one uses the reticle subtensions to what point, and then uses the dials to get the rest of the elevation needed...

Looking at some of the numbers, it appears like I will need 44-45 MOA of elevation range with the various 40 gr Match ammo available from Lapua, Eley, SK and Norma, with a 50 yard zero, based off ballistics given online. Will need to shoot and develop dope chart for this rifle once chronied for its preferred ammo.

Ordered the Burris Veracity 3-15x50 E1 FFP scope today...(Outdoor Life's Editor's Choice and Great Buy Awards winner) still trying to determine if I need a 20 or 30 MOA rail when using the Zero Stop...
I just went and checked out Bergara's website... I dig that rifle a bunch. But man, that magazine looks like it could hold .300 WinMag rounds!
Burris signature scope has 80 MOA total elevation .

so if everything is perfect ; meaning you can get sighted in without using up a bunch of scope travel .
a 0 moa rail will give you 40 moa up , and 40 moa down .
a 20 moa rail will give you 60 moa up , and 20 moa down .
a 30 moa rail will give you 70 moa up , and 10 moa down .

the kicker is , you don't know for sure how things are going to work out until you put something on there and shoot it in . I have one rifle that a 20 moa rail centers my scope travel . I use a 40 moa rail to get the correction of 20 moa .

everything comes into play . a set of higher scope rings require a little more down adjustment to get your zero . looking at the above info , I'd probably buy the 20 moa rail . it gives 15 moa more than needed on the up side , and gives 20 moa down . this allows a little cushion to be able to get zeroed . it should also be easier on the internal scope springs , by not having the spring coils stacked .
the 30 moa rail is only giving 10 moa of down travel , if everything is perfect . if things are not perfect, you might not get sighted in . or be sighted in with very little to no extra , and ruin the internal scope springs due to being coil stacked . it seems to be the rule of thumb is to have 5 moa down that is not being used .

as for the zero stop , this shouldn't be a concern for picking the scope rail . I'm not familiar with the Burris zero stop , and I couldn't find if it limits turret travel . if it allows more than one full turn of elevation the scope should work fine . if it's like the Leupold ZL1 turret it will limit you to one full turn of elevation . if it limits travel , you will not be able to get enough elevation to reach your far targets . I couldn't find how much moa per revolution this scope has . if it limits travel , you would then need to use the scope without using the zero stop , if that's possible .

( I had to edit . I originally gave specs for the veracity scope .)
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Thanks Jim!
I did order the Veracity scope as per yesterday's post; so you can re-edit for its specs!
Good info Jim, thanks for posting.
On my rifle, I'm maxed out when I dial 250. Lucky I can hold on the 250 yard gong. I'm going to have to go with a 20-30 MOA picatiney rail so I'm not maxed out at 250.
I'm also trying to find a 10/22 receiver and bolt so I can put a 10/22 together for my wife. She really digs ringing the gong.
I have a video of her shooting the 250 gong with my 22 that I would post but it's too big a file.
Good stuff.

Thanks Jim!
I did order the Veracity scope as per yesterday's post; so you can re-edit for its specs!
sorry buddy . I must have needed more coffee !

the veracity scope has 70 MOA total elevation .

a 0 moa rail will give you 35 moa up , and 35 moa down .
a 20 moa rail will give you 55 moa up , and 15 moa down .
a 30 moa rail will give you 65 moa up , and 5 moa down .

if I was doing this , I would get the 20 moa rail . if everything is perfect , the 30 moa rail only has 5 moa down . this is the minimum for protecting the scope internals . if you would need to use a couple of the down moa's to get sighted in , you could be putting the scope in danger . everything else I mentioned above ,about the zero stop , is true for this scope too .
Good info Jim, thanks for posting.
On my rifle, I'm maxed out when I dial 250. Lucky I can hold on the 250 yard gong. I'm going to have to go with a 20-30 MOA picatiney rail so I'm not maxed out at 250.
I'm also trying to find a 10/22 receiver and bolt so I can put a 10/22 together for my wife. She really digs ringing the gong.
I have a video of her shooting the 250 gong with my 22 that I would post but it's too big a file.
Good stuff.


JD , does your scope have the duplex reticle ? if it does try using the lower reticle where it goes from thin to heavy as your aiming point for the longer distance targets . I figured this out on my scope , it only gave me 2 moa at 18 power , and 3 moa at 9 power . maybe your scopes reticle would add enough to get out to a little longer target .

put up a 1" grid sighting in target at 100 yards . look through the scope and see how many inches lower the thin to heavy reticle is below the regular center aiming point . sorry it's kind of hard for me to explain .
in my drawing / pic you can see the duplex happens 7 moa below the normal aiming point . this is how you would measure your reticle .

PC300528 (2).jpg

my rough and dirty drop chart . I'm not sure why the 2 different corrections at 100 yards . I'm guessing one is my rifle , the other is my grandsons .


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JD , does your scope have the duplex reticle ? if it does try using the lower reticle where it goes from thin to heavy as your aiming point for the longer distance targets . I figured this out on my scope , it only gave me 2 moa at 18 power , and 3 moa at 9 power . maybe your scopes reticle would add enough to get out to a little longer target .

put up a 1" grid sighting in target at 100 yards . look through the scope and see how many inches lower the thin to heavy reticle is below the regular center aiming point . sorry it's kind of hard for me to explain .
Yes I have done that in the past and would try it it I used the current set up at 300 yards. 250 yards works good for us as we just go out to the barn and shoot.
Thank you for the heads up.

JD- that there is a nice rifle! - I guess this one would qualify if it wasn't a Magnum.... 😁 So far reticle is zeroed at 50. First hash comes out about 1/2 inch low at 100. Dont have a range marked out beyond that but have hash marks to go...
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sorry buddy . I must have needed more coffee !

the veracity scope has 70 MOA total elevation .

a 0 moa rail will give you 35 moa up , and 35 moa down .
a 20 moa rail will give you 55 moa up , and 15 moa down .
a 30 moa rail will give you 65 moa up , and 5 moa down .

if I was doing this , I would get the 20 moa rail . if everything is perfect , the 30 moa rail only has 5 moa down . this is the minimum for protecting the scope internals . if you would need to use a couple of the down moa's to get sighted in , you could be putting the scope in danger . everything else I mentioned above ,about the zero stop , is true for this scope too .
Thanks Jim, appreciate it!
Thanks...looking forward to shooting it this weekend! (as long as the weather cooperates! LOL)
Will get it sighted in at 50 yards at the very least. Going to sight in with the less expensive Eley Club ammo for now. Although one of the tests of these rifles found on Youtube actually showed that the Club ammo did very well (top 3 or 4 (IIRC) out of 18 types tried in that particular rifle - B14R Trainer in RH)
May wait til warmer weather of spring for doing the ammo testing of the various match ammo to determine which load it likes. (5x6 at 50 yards, and then at 100 yards)