local wildfire


Aug 16, 2011
we've been in a red flag warning for the past couple weeks . we've had a few showers , but they didn't amount to much .we had a wildfire yesterday . the fire would be about 1 mile from our lease , about 8 miles from my house . I could smell the smoke last night . this is a large game lands area . there are a few houses as you start in , after that there is nothing for 7 miles cross a highway and nothing again for probably 5 or 6 miles . spring turkey youth season starts April 22 , and regular season starts April 29 , I'm kind of thinking someone out looking around for turkey got careless .

this pic would be taken about 5 miles from the fire . the local power company has a training center where this pic would be taken from .

I don't think I have anything to worry about here at home . the latest report I've heard is it's about 30% contained . I "THINK" they said 12 fire crews are working on it . we are supposed to get about half a day of rain today , hopefully this helps put it out . it is close to the lease , but if I understood correctly the fire is going away from it . this is something we're not used to around here , usually our woods fires are put out in a few hours .