Knew I should have brought a rifle...


Nov 19, 2010
My wife and I went bow hunting for elk this morning and we checked out a new part of the place we were hunting. We were walking down an old seismograph road through the timber and broke out into the most beautiful hunting land I have ever seen. The first thing I noticed was a big dark spot on the side of the hill in front of us. I brought up the binos and discovered it was a bear. There are a lot of grizzlies in this area and I couldn't tell for sure if it was a grizzly or black bear. He quickly spotted us in the open but didn't run off. He just continued feeding away from us. We cut the distance in half but we still had elk on the brain in our new found honey hole. We sat down on the ridge and watched him feed 461 yards away. By now we had identified him as a black beat and the biggest I have ever seen. I was really wishing I had taken a rifle like I thought I should last night while getting ready. One quick twist of the CDS dial and a little luck and he would have been mine.

I got a couple cell phone pics through the binos so they aren't that great but here they are. For you seasoned bear hunters, how big do you think he is?

Zoomed in on my phone

Phone through 10x binos



Also found an old 270 shell on the hill side

And a picture my wife took that I had no idea she was taking
Very nice country!..Looks like a good size boar, kinda hard to tell, but he's gotta be in and around the 300# range atleast,

He was a fine looking bear. He'll live to see another day. Beautiful country, to be sure.
That is a great looking bear. The country is very good looking! Best of luck to you hunting it.
Thanks guys! I can't stop thinking about our new found honey hole! I'm just hoping not many other people don't know about it. Best part is, it borders 2 huge private ranches that don't allow much if any hunting. My brother worked for one of that ranches and did get to hunt elk on it and ended up killing a 340ish bull. But he was best friends and in the same class as the landowners son and worked for them for 4-5 years in the summers. The would be state record typical mulie was poached within a couple miles of this place also so his offspring should be running around close!
Nice looking country and yes that bear looks good hope you can find him again soon.
You look to be in some prime hunting country :) sure hope you get another crack at that bear or some Elk.

Nice looking bear.

I hope you get another crack at him or an elk. Best of luck to you this hunting season.
Wow! Looks like a 300lb'er if not more. Looks pretty blocky from the pictures! Overall, what a bunch of awesome country! Awesome pictures DT!