Inland Northwest Jeep & Hiking trip

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Spent a week heading down from Washington, through Oregon, Nevada and northern California, much of it on the "dry side" of the mountains, out in the high desert. Terrific trip!

In Washington, I drove through the Yakima River Canyon, famed for trophy trout fishing:

For Oregon, I was headed through a general area I'd been in before, and to a specific place I'd never seen "Crack in the Ground." The "crack" is two miles long, 70 feet deep, and in places, only shoulder-width wide. It was amazing!

Fort Rock:

Paulina Lake:

Local wildlife:

Breakfast "on the road." Literally... :)

My camp. Nice and simple. Got down to 29 degrees early one morning! No wonder my hands were going numb while I was breaking camp!

Castle Peak, near Donner Pass, California. 40 years ago I used to camp, hike, climb, nordic ski & snowshoe here with my buddies. Hadn't spent any time near Castle Peak in a long time!

Lookin' a mite scruffy...

Took the Signal Hill Jeep Trail. What a hoot! And great views from up high:

Great trip! Spent time with Dad. Enjoyed breakfast with his little group of veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and with me, Desert Storm. Dang, I was humbled to be in the presence of such men. Also came home with what promises to be a mighty fine bird dog, and is Clark's little buddy already:

Regards, Guy
It is a beautiful country through which you drove. Sounds as if it was a terrific trip.