Hunt for disabled veterans


Sep 17, 2013
Dear forum readers,

I have been fortunate enough in life to acquire and develop some land into a nice hunting property. I feel that part of my good fortune is due to the sacrifices made by the US military members who have defended our country against threats and have helped to ensure our way of life. Although I did not serve in the military nearly all of my uncles served in WWII.

For the past year, and especially since I retired this spring, I have been thinking of what I can do to "give back" to society. The later part of my career involved work for governmental agencies. I even continue to consult for non-profits and agencies in this area. So, white collar volunteering doesn't appeal to me.

I have the crazy idea that due to accessible nature of my property, that I might be able to offer a whitetail deer hunt to a disabled (or not disabled) veteran. I am not an outfitter and don't have the infrastructure to do provide a fully outfitted handicap accessible event. However, I could offer a guided hunt with handicap accessible blinds. I think I would need to partner with an organization that coordinates these types of things.

But, I don't know where to start with this idea. I am sure that are good organizations out there and some not-so-good organizations out there. I don't know which are which. I know some the forum readers are veterans and these veterans may know which organizations are good and might do this type of work.

So, can someone point me in the right direction with some advice on what organizations I might partner with? (Also what organizations to stay away from?)

Thank you, Dan
It's a show on the Outdoorsman Channel that helps disabled veterans go hunting. They provide the guides to help them hunt. They provide some in wheelchairs special chairs to help some hunt.

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That is a most generous idea. I haven't any insight into how to accomplish your goal, but I certainly commend you for thinking of how to honour those who sacrificed for our freedom.
DrMike":14ovxx8o said:
That is a most generous idea. I haven't any insight into how to accomplish your goal, but I certainly commend you for thinking of how to honour those who sacrificed for our freedom.
I fully agree with Dr. Mike

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Dan I have no info on how to get started with your endeavor but I highly commend you for your thoughtfulness.
Probably the Make a wish foundation might be a place to look. They have made a person who is disabled wishes come true such as meet and greet famous people along with fishing trips and hunting trips.
Having property that could be made available for this purpose might interest them.
Do I recall that MaW Foundation balked at anything to do with hunting? I know that some charities are antsy about guns/hunting/shooting.
DrMike":1xjw3e1c said:
Do I recall that MaW Foundation balked at anything to do with hunting? I know that some charities are antsy about guns/hunting/shooting.
I don't know if they did or not and was just relating a thought. If they do then they won't get my support.
Is there a Wounded Warriors foundation that does this type of thing?
Where I am, we do things like that. Let me run down a couple people who might know how to get connected in the southern tier of NY.

I've personally been on that board that organized pheasant hunts for vets. I also have a connection with a guy in Wisconsin who made a 2nd career of designing and making custom equipment to help disabled vets hunt.

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Thanks for the feedback.

Hawkeye, I looked at the website for the Grateful Nation hunting show and couldn't figure out how to call anyone. They just had an internet form to fill out to make a suggestion for their shows. The form required a lot of information I wasn't willing to fill in. I couldn't find an applicable number to call.

I looked at the Grateful Nation website itself and again couldn't find a phone number to call. I finally submitted an internet message. I didn't hear anything back today.

It is kind of frustrating that the only phone numbers on these websites are for advertisers to call and buy advertising time or for a corporation to make a contribution. It doesn't appear that these organizations want just anyone to call. But, maybe I will hear back from Grateful Nation.

A local contractor is trying to put me in touch with the local chapter of the American Legion. I have hopes the American Legion can help move this project forward.

mjcmichigan, I would love to hear more about what you guys are doing in your area. Can you elaborate a bit more about it? I look forward to any contact information you can come up with.

I think I will try to connect with the local chapter of the QDMA. It seems to me that they talked about arranging these types of hunts in the past.
At work, we have a network of 130 people that do stuff with the vets. Here's a link to the pheasant hunt we did. We took over the pheasant ranch for two days, we broke the vets into groups of 6 and sent them out with 2 guides and six dogs. We fed them, and just had a lot of fun. We got sponsors and sent in about 3k after paying for the things we had to buy.

The group at work does it all. Thanksgiving baskets, walleye fishing, turkey hunting,. The biggest thing they did was escort Normandy survivors back to France for that anniversary event they had years ago. Each Normandy vet was assigned a personal escort (a younger vet) to help them with.. everything. I'm not a key person in that group, but a helpful person when I should. I am good friends with the main force behind this. He does vet activities nearly 5 days a week, he gets his family involved too. I'll talk to Brad tomorrow to see if he has contacts or suggestions for you. I could ask him to call you so you can ask questions.

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Thank you Dan. Brad Blanchard from Dow Chemical is the driving force, and we are fortunate enough to work for a company that cares about people. Vets, minority's, disadvantaged youth etc. when I was in the Detroit office, we went into the intercity schools to supplement the STEM programs. We'd set up science and math labs. We met some really amazing people.
I just volunteer here and there.

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First and foremost, I most certainly respect anybody who appreciates the military and agree with all those commending you for your effort and generosity to our veterans. But I feel I can add some insight here. I didnt read ALL of the comments so if this is redundant I apologise.

I am currently serving in an area 12 hours from home and am always looking for an affordable way to hunt land. My first thought was to check facebook, Craigslist and local adds for places and people offering land to hunt. Typically the offering party is expecting some sort of payment in form of cash, trades of monetary value, or labor in exchange. So I would reccomend putting some feeler adds out there on a few of those type of platforms. Requiring official dd-214 forms, active/retired/ disabled ID would be a good way to verify if that person is in fact a veteran or active duty. It seems harsh to ask but not producing the proper verification could be a good way to be swindled into a false assumption that they are in fact military.

Hope this helps and good luck!

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I have seen wounded warrior hunts and a group out of maryland "operation second chance" has done some
Dan- In Minnesota, the State department of natural resources gets involved in help establish and maintain some accessible hunting areas through out the state. That might get you involved some red tape, that you don't want but they might have infrastructure and resources. I would think your local VFW might be able to help you get in touch with the right people both for support and for participants.
Also- this organization is also in Minnesota:

They work with the DNR and other folks to provide hunting opportunities for people with physical challenges.

Finally- The best organization I know of is this all volunteer - annual event in the town of Douglas Wyo. For 30 years they have been sponsoring hunters from all over the country, providing guides, and all kinds of community support so a bunch of folks have a chance to hunt antelope. I cant say enough about them. It is likely not on the scale you wish to work, but Jane and Gary Stearns are wonderful people and a phone call or e-mail to the might provide some good advice and years of experience. ... ed-hunters
I ma literally in tears, in researching this post I discover that perhaps after 31 years Helluva a Hunt may have come to an end. ... -31-years/

I must do some more looking.... Back to your post. Thankyou for what you are doing it is wonderful and may mean more to some one than you will ever know. All the best. CL
NYDAN":29xvyevr said:
Dear forum readers,

I have been fortunate enough in life to acquire and develop some land into a nice hunting property. I feel that part of my good fortune is due to the sacrifices made by the US military members who have defended our country against threats and have helped to ensure our way of life. Although I did not serve in the military nearly all of my uncles served in WWII.

For the past year, and especially since I retired this spring, I have been thinking of what I can do to "give back" to society. The later part of my career involved work for governmental agencies. I even continue to consult for non-profits and agencies in this area. So, white collar volunteering doesn't appeal to me.

I have the crazy idea that due to accessible nature of my property, that I might be able to offer a whitetail deer hunt to a disabled (or not disabled) veteran. I am not an outfitter and don't have the infrastructure to do provide a fully outfitted handicap accessible event. However, I could offer a guided hunt with handicap accessible blinds. I think I would need to partner with an organization that coordinates these types of things.

But, I don't know where to start with this idea. I am sure that are good organizations out there and some not-so-good organizations out there. I don't know which are which. I know some the forum readers are veterans and these veterans may know which organizations are good and might do this type of work.

So, can someone point me in the right direction with some advice on what organizations I might partner with? (Also what organizations to stay away from?)

Thank you, Dan

Hi Dan: my name is Wayne Wright and i live in upstate NY. im a 100% disabled vet and have been looking for a place to hunt,so if and when you get established i would love to come down and get to know you and possibly do some hunting with you. People like you dont come around very often so i want to take my hat off to you for what you want to do for the vets,people like you are the real HERO's thanks so much for caring and feeling the way you do,again Thanks so much for what you do,hope to hear from you soon Wayne

Wayne Wright
et_miller_87":128iqovb said:
First and foremost, I most certainly respect anybody who appreciates the military and agree with all those commending you for your effort and generosity to our veterans. But I feel I can add some insight here. I didnt read ALL of the comments so if this is redundant I apologise.

I am currently serving in an area 12 hours from home and am always looking for an affordable way to hunt land. My first thought was to check facebook, Craigslist and local adds for places and people offering land to hunt. Typically the offering party is expecting some sort of payment in form of cash, trades of monetary value, or labor in exchange. So I would reccomend putting some feeler adds out there on a few of those type of platforms. Requiring official dd-214 forms, active/retired/ disabled ID would be a good way to verify if that person is in fact a veteran or active duty. It seems harsh to ask but not producing the proper verification could be a good way to be swindled into a false assumption that they are in fact military.

Hope this helps and good luck!

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That was GREAT intelligence right there. Showing or working with an official program would cut down on the aspect of having to look at paperwork.

I know a couple of folks that run hunts like this and I will most certainly reach out to them and pass your name along to them. Matter of fact, one of my fellow vets has a farm somewhere in Western NY (Rochester area) that does hunts like this already. Scotty

Shoot me a PM with your cell Dan and I'll try to link you all up.

Very cool thing you are doing. Thank you