Cloud Seeding

3 Meter Para Bellum

Apr 17, 2020
I had posted earlier on this subject but deleted it, not because it was terribly off beat but just because it was a somewhat reactionary post to something that ticked me off to learn about. I looked into it a bit more and it is sometimes called "cloud seeding." Basically someone is dumping chemicals in the air that cause clouds to form and it results in warmer weather. I heard my Grandma mention seeing it in Cali first, then a friend in Texas, and now I'm seeing it in southern Arkansas. One day dozens of planes crisscrossed the sky leaving what appears to be persistent contrails, but instead of dissipating like a natural contrail, they expanded and covered the entire visible sky in a haze. It has happened about three times now, and every two days after we see it, it rains.

I don't know the motive behind it, my Mom speculated they might be trying to convince people of global warming, who knows, but it isn't good for the environment. The abnormal warmth can throw off the natural pattern of the plants and trees, and the chemicals being dropped from the sky are harmful in general. People who have asked about it are being told the flight patterns are normal and contrails always do that. This is obviously not true, contrails do not spread across the whole sky and remain there for the whole day. Pilots who have observed it are saying that that would only happen if something was seriously wrong with the plane, or if it was intentional. Cloud seeding has been around since the 60's or 70's and we have old footage of using it during war to warm up the weather. There is also footage of Bill Gates from 20 years ago saying that we could use this method to change the climate. It is very cheap to do, if even one wealthy individual wanted to it seems they could manage to make a significant impact.

Anyway, I just thought is was a good idea to mention it. I'm not exactly sure what would be the practical steps to help prevent this from happening on a larger scale, I honestly don't know how dumping chemicals into the air would be legal in the first place, but if there is anything to do as an average individual I think it would be prudent. At least telling people about it is a start.
I was going to respond to your earlier thread but got busy didn't get a chance. The line "we need new conspiracy theories because all the old ones have come true" does hold some truth. I don't trust much of what the ruling powers are up to. I'm a Canadian but most of us know who won 2020 and wonder why Kari Lake isn't in her rightful place either. In my country I wonder how our "leader" was installed when no one likes him on the left or right.

I have actually seen the exact same thing last summer when there were fires raging to the east of us. I was working outside that day and there were several planes over a few hours putting up a distinct pattern flying east and west, north and south. Kind of spooked me because it was so obvious.. Over time clouds formed just like in your pictures. At one time I didn't believe "they" could mess with the weather but that day was eye opening, I would tend now to believe there is something strange going on.
Though I can't prove it but I live near a military installation that worked on developing defoliant chemicals for use in Vietnam and chemicals to seed the clouds to produce rain and to keep it from raining back in the 1960's.
They played havoc with the weather during the summer months and it effected the weather in the winter also one year we saw high temps in December and was running around in T shirts and shorts when we would normally have snow on the ground.
My father would cuss every time he saw them seeding the clouds.
First off, cloud seeding was done at least after the end of WW2 and IIRC, they were using silver iodide. The experiments were again, IIRC a failure. Sometimes it would rain and sometime nada, nothing, no rain at all. For all I know they may still, or not doing it anymore.

Contrails are nothing new. Look at picture and film of the B17s heading for Germany to drop destruct on Miler's minions. I don't thing they were all seeding the clouds or atmosphere accordng to some goverment plan.

Here's another little tidbit. When I forst started working in weather in the Air Force, when we took and reccorded weather observations, there was a column for remark on the WBAN. (Form used for observations.) and CONTRAILS was a required remark if one or more were present. I don't remember exactly when they dropped it as a mandatory remark but we could use it if we wanted.

Basically, a contrail is nothing more that ice crystals in the air being melted by heat from he plane's exhaust and clumping enough to be seen and showing up. I have been given pireps (pilot reports) where the pilot was high enough that he could not see the ground due to cloud cover yet here on the ground the sky looked totally cloud free. On report said he was flying at 12,000 feet and broke through at 10,000 fet. He ha landed to refuel and came storming into the weather office madder that a wet hen. When he finally calmed down enough to tell me what was wrong I said there were no clouds. We went outside and the sky was as blue as can be. He had to admit that we could not see any cloud cover. Most of the time that occures hight up though and is probably more relevent to jet trael. When you see them zig zagging all over hell and gone it's usually the Air Force or Air National Guard practicing dog fights. If there is enough planes up they can make a solid ovecast of cirrostratus clouds. It happens all the time down hee in the Tucson area. We have several squadrons of F16s and A19 Warthogs and it's usually the 16's that stick close enough to pile up the contrails. Nothing to worry about. Some idiot a few years back opined that the government was dropping some to affect the population. I figure BS back then and call it BS. JMHO based on knowledge.
Paul B.
First off, cloud seeding was done at least after the end of WW2 and IIRC, they were using silver iodide. The experiments were again, IIRC a failure. Sometimes it would rain and sometime nada, nothing, no rain at all. For all I know they may still, or not doing it anymore.

Contrails are nothing new. Look at picture and film of the B17s heading for Germany to drop destruct on Miler's minions. I don't thing they were all seeding the clouds or atmosphere accordng to some goverment plan.

Here's another little tidbit. When I forst started working in weather in the Air Force, when we took and reccorded weather observations, there was a column for remark on the WBAN. (Form used for observations.) and CONTRAILS was a required remark if one or more were present. I don't remember exactly when they dropped it as a mandatory remark but we could use it if we wanted.

Basically, a contrail is nothing more that ice crystals in the air being melted by heat from he plane's exhaust and clumping enough to be seen and showing up. I have been given pireps (pilot reports) where the pilot was high enough that he could not see the ground due to cloud cover yet here on the ground the sky looked totally cloud free. On report said he was flying at 12,000 feet and broke through at 10,000 fet. He ha landed to refuel and came storming into the weather office madder that a wet hen. When he finally calmed down enough to tell me what was wrong I said there were no clouds. We went outside and the sky was as blue as can be. He had to admit that we could not see any cloud cover. Most of the time that occures hight up though and is probably more relevent to jet trael. When you see them zig zagging all over hell and gone it's usually the Air Force or Air National Guard practicing dog fights. If there is enough planes up they can make a solid ovecast of cirrostratus clouds. It happens all the time down hee in the Tucson area. We have several squadrons of F16s and A19 Warthogs and it's usually the 16's that stick close enough to pile up the contrails. Nothing to worry about. Some idiot a few years back opined that the government was dropping some to affect the population. I figure BS back then and call it BS. JMHO based on knowledge.
Paul B.
Good insight Paul. Thanks for the explanation.

Well PJ that would be great if you were right on all points. I am not fully convinced of any particular opinion yet, but regardless of what is going on precisely, this has started happening so frequently in places that don't typically see it that it makes me wonder what changed or why there is suddenly so much of it going on. If it were Air Force drills, maybe the general unrest in the world has them training extra lately.
Thanks for the info Paul.
My brother worked in one of the labs on the base and helped to design the herbicides used in Vietnam. The base still has an area that is in the super fund clean up plan. The dummies buried the junk in steel drums which leaked and contaminated the ground water.
They used gas powered crop duster airplanes to salt the storm clouds and disperse the storms so the rain wouldn't mess up their experiments.
We lived 5mi east of the town on a high hill and could watch the plans take off from the airport.
Well PJ that would be great if you were right on all points. I am not fully convinced of any particular opinion yet, but regardless of what is going on precisely, this has started happening so frequently in places that don't typically see it that it makes me wonder what changed or why there is suddenly so much of it going on. If it were Air Force drills, maybe the general unrest in the world has them training extra lately.
Well, I worked in weather for 33 years and I know about the reasoning for the contrails remark on the weather form. There was also another that they dropped a few years later. RADAT. Every day at noon we would have o go outside with a Geiger counter and measure the radiation level Never saw that needle twitch or hear a click from that thing. All we ever sent out was RADAT ZERO. Also, I don't recall ever seeing a RADAT with other than ZERO on a report.

On the greater proliferation of contrails these days I have no idea other than what I posted earlier. Maybe it's because there's a major increase in jet traffic or even an effect of global warming. One possibility is the increased warming is causing more evaporation that is reaching higher into the atmosphere. It's kind of hard to evaluate humidity way up there as the balloons with the recording device (radiosonde) we send up usually stop recording humidity before -40"C where any type of cloud is cirriform, that is composed of ice crystals just as the contrails.
Paul B.
Here is the picture of what eventually spread almost uniformly across the sky.View attachment 21660
I think you can relax.
If you follow the condensation trails they go from one airport to another airport.
Because many flights go from one to another multiple times a day and the wind is moving them in a certain direction. That's the uniform patern.
I think you can relax.
If you follow the condensation trails they go from one airport to another airport.
Because many flights go from one to another multiple times a day and the wind is moving them in a certain direction. That's the uniform patern.
I agree. Around here we have the Air National Guard and A10 warthogs The hogs usually ly to a gunnery range south of town but the guys with the F16 have a firld day dogfighting. Makes for some interesting patterns.
Paul B.
There must have been a high alert since all weekend and Christmas day the boys in blue were keeping high-altitude cover over DC and Camp David.
They didn't have to land to refuel since they had a tanker in the air for refueling. The contrails had some interesting shapes.