Blackhorn 209 Powder


Nov 5, 2015
Is anyone seeing Blackhorn 209 powder? I haven't since last fall. Haven't checked just wondering if this was a seasonal thing or production was not meeting demand. Dan.
Is anyone seeing Blackhorn 209 powder? I haven't since last fall. Haven't checked just wondering if this was a seasonal thing or production was not meeting demand. Dan.
Dan, it’s normally a little rare this time of year, but usually available. Although this isn’t exactly normal times we’re living in. I’ll let you know if I run across it.
Dan, it’s normally a little rare this time of year, but usually available. Although this isn’t exactly normal times we’re living in. I’ll let you know if I run across it.
Appreciate it. Friend and nephew are looking for some. I saw it at a couple of Walmarts last fall. Hopefully it comes around again. Dan.
Was in my local Wally World today and ran across 6-7 bottles of BH 209. 53 dollars for an 8oz bottle. That's 106 dollars per pound. Simply incredulous! Ive got a couple bottles left and when it's gone I'll go back to 777.
Was in my local Wally World today and ran across 6-7 bottles of BH 209. 53 dollars for an 8oz bottle. That's 106 dollars per pound. Simply incredulous! Ive got a couple bottles left and when it's gone I'll go back to 777.
High dollar stuff for sure but I do like the less fouling it provides over 777. It's not like I'm a high-volume muzzle loader shooter so I'd pick up a jug of it when I find some. Dan.
There's a shelf full at Walmart down the road. Haven't checked the price but it's making me want to get a muzzle loader lol
It's available and expensive! Hodgdon has downsized the bottle to 8oz. and is charging $55.99 plus hazmat, shipping, and tax on their website. It has gotten cheaper per round to shoot any of my centerfires than my muzzleloader these days.
It's available and expensive! Hodgdon has downsized the bottle to 8oz. and is charging $55.99 plus hazmat, shipping, and tax on their website. It has gotten cheaper per round to shoot any of my centerfires than my muzzleloader these days.
WOWWWWW! Might have to whip out my old high-school chemistry books at that rate.