Barnes 160 TSX


Aug 16, 2011
guys I recovered this bullet from a whitetail I shot with my 7 rem mag . 160 TSX at about 50 yards . 3100muzzle velocity . it now weighs 138 grains . I had doubt about these bullets from a few other animals I shot . after recovering this bullet I quit using them . I'm just not sold on mono bullets . Jim



I've used quite a few monolithic bullets (mostly Barnes, of course, though I've been using the E-Tip since it was released), and generally had good performance. At least, the shot resulted in the death of the animal. I understand that the monolithics are for penetration and not for inducing a massive wound channel. I can only think of one instance where the bullet failed to perform as I expected--I didn't hit bone, but passed through the intercostal area between the lungs and the spine. I wound up tracking an animal much farther than I wanted. I'm not certain I can blame the bullet in this instance, however.
I shot a really nice cow elk two years ago at 310 or so. She was feeding quartering slightly away I placed the shot so that the bullet would enter behind the near shoulder and come out in front or near the front of the far shoulder. This was a 160 TSX traveling at 3100 + at the muzzle. She wandered around a bit and required a chest shot a min or so later to put her down. My 180 Nosler PT would have put her down where she was originally standing.

This is really the only bullet that shoots well in my STW
elk hunter , your results sound like mine . my first hunt with the TSX's was an elk hunt . I shot a cow at 300 yds right behind the front shoulder , in the crease . she staggered a little and stood there . I put another one her roughly the same place . she looked like she hiccuped , never took a step . I fired again , this time I went on the front shoulder , down she goes . I watch her a little , gather my stuff and get over to her . shes laying there with her head up . I had the three shots in about a 6 inch group . and she was still alive . Jim
jimbires":27917a1q said:
elk hunter , your results sound like mine . my first hunt with the TSX's was an elk hunt . I shot a cow at 300 yds right behind the front shoulder , in the crease . she staggered a little and stood there . I put another one her roughly the same place . she looked like she hiccuped , never took a step . I fired again , this time I went on the front shoulder , down she goes . I watch her a little , gather my stuff and get over to her . shes laying there with her head up . I had the three shots in about a 6 inch group . and she was still alive . Jim

I had decent luck with the Barnes bullets, but again, most of my shots were under 200 when using them. The 225gr TSX outta the Whelen worked excellent on the black bear and elk taken, 50 and 150 yards. 300WM 180gr XLC, muley at 100 yards max, moose and caribou with the 160gr X outta my 7RM. Now, thinking back on it, any animal not hit in the big bones did move out alot further than I thought it should have, but again, they all died. I did go back to AB's, PT's and other more conventional bullets as they act better and are a little easier for me to load. Nothing against them, but I kinda like the PT. Acts like a BT and penetrates like a solid. Scotty
Why is it that jim is calling me elk hunter? good morning jim glad to see you here!!!!!!!!
Elkman":ejyfpqmc said:
Why is it that jim is calling me elk hunter? good morning jim glad to see you here!!!!!!!!

sorry elk MAN , LOL I'll learn you guys names . thanks for the welcome . Jim