any knowledge


May 24, 2020
Would you choose 1 over the other or do you use 2 or all 3? TGK, ABLR and/or EDL-X for game of all sizes. Who has used any or choose 1 over the other based on didn't perform as hoped? I don't have or used any TGK, but do have the other 2. On a note I don't hunt game that requires tags, but do shoot hogs every chance I get. All hogs shot and killed have been with fmj. What choices and why you have used any of afore mentioned bullets successively?
For me the Eld-x easier to develop an accurate load, they are also much less expensive then the ablr. I have seen whitetails killed with one shot with both a 129ablr and 143eldx in a 260rem.
I've not hunted hog so cant comment regarding that.
Due to the shortage, if Ballistic Tips or ELD-X are not available, I would use the Sierra GameKings / Hornady ( Interlocks, Interbond etc) for the game that I hunt. If hunting big game, I'd choose the AccuBond. Overall for deer and red stag sized game, I always use the Ballistic Tips / ELD-X. They won't let you down and always easy to find a load for.
I have used TGKs in a 7mm Rem Mag and ELD-Xs in a 6.5 PRC on deer and had great results. However, I have used Ballistic Tips FAR more than either, and in a while herd of calibers, with equal success.

My experience was updated last night. But backing up a bit first to your question. ELD-X are the most accurate out of the box or in my reloads. I've taken deer w/ all the Hornady offerings and it has always been adequate. I kept switching bullets b/c I never got the performance I wanted. The largest deer I ever shot was taken with an ELD-X; but the bullet never exited, left no blood, and I almost lost him in the 70+ yards he made it before expiring. (I prefer blood trails.) Best blood trails for me have been Fusions and Core-Lokts. This year I decided to shoot Partitions and I'm glad I did. Last night I came upon a feral hog over 300 lbs. At 60 yards with muzzle velocity ~2800, both of my 140g Partions passed through a tough, tough animal. I also took a nice buck last week and the Partition left a good trail. This weekend I'm moving to some Accubonds I reloaded for another rifle b/c I like to tinker with things. I hope to get more data. But in short, Partitions have become my be-all, do-all loads.

Post-script - Speer Boat-tails are also freaky accurate out of my 700's. Those have become my choice for 'cup and core' reloads.
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If you want exits on tougher game, then going with a bonded bullet (LRAB, AB, etc.) or a hunting mono/solid (Barnes LRX, Hammer, etc.) and or a partitioned bullet are great options
BUT, these designs do not promise exits.
Speed kills (proper placement) and speed aids in deeper penetration and exits with these designs.

These designs are great for double shoulder shots too, as they will anchor your animal quicker many times.
I have used NBT, AB, LRAB, Partitions, SGK, Berger, and ELD-X on elk. I have never hunted moose or dangerous game
What chambering(s) are considering?
Killing stuff is not that hard, as long is placement is good.

I will hunt big pigs at night or day with 22-30 cal with great success (NBT, A-Max, ELD-M, ELD-X, SGK, and MONO's)

Size/caliber is also an aide, but you can get so big, with large case capacities that it becomes a negative for the hunter, because they do NOT handle the recoil well despite their belief and possible boasting.
Results: missed or wounded animals. They don't practice enough to get their fundamentals down with the big boomers.
We have a number of folks here that put in due diligence, and excel at shooting them
Without a trailing dog, I would prefer an exit wound.
100 y trail with two holes is easier to follow than 50 with just one on entrance.
And harder bullets (bonded or monos) will do that more often than soft cup and core...
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Would you choose 1 over the other or do you use 2 or all 3? TGK, ABLR and/or EDL-X for game of all sizes. Who has used any or choose 1 over the other based on didn't perform as hoped? I don't have or used any TGK, but do have the other 2. On a note I don't hunt game that requires tags, but do shoot hogs every chance I get. All hogs shot and killed have been with fmj. What choices and why you have used any of afore mentioned bullets successively?
Tough question.
Possibly none that you listed?
I've used all you listed....

Where is this? How big are they? How close are you?
What is the population like? Are the hogs a problem from a real abundance of them?
In other words are you shooting a lot of hogs on an outing?
Or is this a once in a while you get to see the over populated hog and want to help by taking one out?

If there was an abundance I'd probably jusy stay with the FMJ from an AR truth be told.
Cheap...or cheaper...than the three that you listed.

If I wasn't shooting a lot but a one and done kind of thing I still might not use any that you listed.
Again knowing the distance and typical size, caliber would be most helpful.
I've used all of them at one point or another.

I greatly prefer Accubonds for big game animals like moose, caribou, or bears. ELD-X shoot good and I've taken some caribou and deer with them, but they tend to come unglued and not exit. Dead animals, but I prefer an exit. TGKs are a lot more similar to ELD-X than ABs.