270wbymag vs 270wsm

"SOMEBODY" has opened a can 'o worms here ! I'll have to say, and I have worked with both cartridges quite a bit, that my vote goes with the WSM, even "if" the Bee goes faster, albeit not very MUCH faster - Nobody has mentioned the vast assortment of lightweight rifles, good lightweight rifles, available in the 270 WSM and most all of them are fairly priced and the customs are not any worse than a custom Weatherby anyway - Unless it was mentioned and I missed it, Norma makes 270 WSM brass (I use it) - For me, the compact package and "magnum" performance equal a win/win for me, no matter what the velocity difference
This is an interesting test and the outcome is predictable. Folks are partial to the 270 they have and use. That's how it should be. I've had 270 WSMs and 270 Wbys and they shoot pretty close (within about 100 FPS of each other). Accuracy depends on the rifle. I had two 270 Wbys and I couldn't even shoot the same brass in both of them due to chamber variance. They're both great calibers and the brass cost isn't much different if you buy used brass to reload. I like them both. I wish I'd a kept the 270WSM Tikka T3 Light. It was easy carrying and accurate enough with 130 A/Bs at 3300FPS. If they made that in 270Wby it'd do the same with 140 gr A/Bs.