Powder Prices.


Mar 6, 2017
Local shop has pretty much anything you'd need now in typical powders of both IMR and Hodgdon. If you're looking for an 8lb jug of RL 26 you're out of luck, but in the IMR and Hodgdon lines they got 1 lb cans or 8 lb jugs of a pretty good range.

But prices. WOO! 2 yrs ago prices were up from before but ran about $169 for an 8 lb jug depending on what the flavor was. Last yr they made a jump when things started getting really dicey and hard to get in. I paid $219 for an 8 lb of IMR 4831, and $237 for an 8 lb of H4895. Now they are running $279 for 8 lbs of the cheaper stuff and $300 for the harder to get powders like Varget, H4350, etc.

They seem to be getting some 1 lb and 8 lb jugs in every week. I only have around 3.5 lbs left in my jug of IMR 4350. Use it a lot but that will get me through this yr for sure. Another jug would do me for a long time but don't know in this climate if a person should wait to see if continued availability brings the prices down, or if the current rate of inflation is just going to make it keep rising.
And now the habit gets pricey. A change of administration can upset everything.
No comment. If I get started I'll say some things I shouldn't. You're spot on except I'd use much stronger words than upset. This is what happens when you have a resident, and not a President. I drop the P when referring to the man with a reprobate mind that fraudulently sits in a stolen chair.
No comment. If I get started I'll say some things I shouldn't. You're spot on except I'd use much stronger words than upset. This is what happens when you have a resident, and not a President. I drop the P when referring to the man with a reprobate mind that fraudulently sits in a stolen chair.
Tragic, but true. And we are no better off here in Canada with the government our major cities has imposed on us.
Recently saw a Facebook meme that went along the lines of “see what happens when you get a mail order President”.

I have had some luck ordering from
powder valley. The Sportsman’s reloading isle nearest to me is still empty.
So far I've been able to avoid the high prices as I'm well stocked with most all I currently use. But eventually I'll have to pay the piper if I keep shooting. Primers I'm good on, but hopefully powders & bullets will settle down as availability seems to be increasing. Don't know. It's difficult times to get a logical read on with a lot of things.
My local ACE has beaten the crazy, keeping powder in stock, as much as they can, for the same price as before this shortage. They only sell a lb per party per day, and you have to buy bullets or powder to get a sleeve of primers, which also do not cost too much (like 5 bucks a thing?).

They told me they can only order powder from Hodgdon every 3 months.
Recently saw a Facebook meme that went along the lines of “see what happens when you get a mail order President”.

I have had some luck ordering from
powder valley. The Sportsman’s reloading isle nearest to me is still empty.
They had more CCI primers in I was able to get some Pistol and small rifle primers I am now set on primers and will wait for sales now. I had plenty of rifle primers will use the SRP in pistol cases. I just decided to reload for my pistol as prices went thru the roof two years ago.
Local shop has pretty much anything you'd need now in typical powders of both IMR and Hodgdon. If you're looking for an 8lb jug of RL 26 you're out of luck, but in the IMR and Hodgdon lines they got 1 lb cans or 8 lb jugs of a pretty good range.

But prices. WOO! 2 yrs ago prices were up from before but ran about $169 for an 8 lb jug depending on what the flavor was. Last yr they made a jump when things started getting really dicey and hard to get in. I paid $219 for an 8 lb of IMR 4831, and $237 for an 8 lb of H4895. Now they are running $279 for 8 lbs of the cheaper stuff and $300 for the harder to get powders like Varget, H4350, etc.

They seem to be getting some 1 lb and 8 lb jugs in every week. I only have around 3.5 lbs left in my jug of IMR 4350. Use it a lot but that will get me through this yr for sure.

There's still three more years of this "Let's go Brandon" regime. I don't see powder, primer or bullet supplies being enough that prices will be on the decline. If I had found a supply of my favorite powder I would figure how much I needed and buy enough to last me through this POTUS.

When Trump took office I started laying back my primer of choice, powders and bullets of choice. I have many, many thousands of primers, 10-15 lbs of each powder I use and several thousand of my favorite bullets. Not to mention the brass I have on hand. As far as I can see, I have enough to last the rest of my life.
There's still three more years of this "Let's go Brandon" regime. I don't see powder, primer or bullet supplies being enough that prices will be on the decline. If I had found a supply of my favorite powder I would figure how much I needed and buy enough to last me through this POTUS.

When Trump took office I started laying back my primer of choice, powders and bullets of choice. I have many, many thousands of primers, 10-15 lbs of each powder I use and several thousand of my favorite bullets. Not to mention the brass I have on hand. As far as I can see, I have enough to last the rest of my life.
Yeah I was good really for the most part for regular shooting for a long time on everything but primers when this mess started. Don't have a lifetime supply of brass for every cartridge, but have probably right handy 2500 of 30-06 brass, which is what I shoot the most of.

Don't have 1,000's of my favorite bullet for each cartridge, but have over 6,000 bullets total, so should be able to find ways to make do with something no matter how bad it gets.

Only had around 2500 primers when crap got real as far as being able to buy them at shops. My fault, and my fault only. Was able after that to pick up a single brick from 1 guy locally in trade with some powder that was given to me, and got 4 bricks from another guy locally, cheap.

Found a local shop about 10 months ago that had primers and would sell me a brick for under $60. Been keeping my head down, my mouth shut, and going in once a month and walking out with a brick of primers. Some people would call me a hoarder, but in this climate it's nothing more than smart business and preparedness, and I'd be a fool not to buy what's available at probably the only shop in the country. If I had it to do over, I'd of had 20,000 ahead of time. So instead I'm working on 20,000 now. I don't tell people locally what I have and nobody here knows where I live, but added to what I had, I now have over 17,000.

Good on powder except for IMR 4350. Probably should just bite the bullet and pay up and buy one of those 8 lb jugs that other shop has. They typically don't last long, but so far they've been able to replace them. Man I hate paying that kind of money for powder.
I almost bought some more IMR 4831 from Powder Valley this morning, for $35.25/lb but by the time I added in the hazmat, shipping and tax it was almost $50/lb. When I run out of that I'll use another powder.
I almost bought some more IMR 4831 from Powder Valley this morning, for $35.25/lb but by the time I added in the hazmat, shipping and tax it was almost $50/lb. When I run out of that I'll use another powder.
I've never paid hazmat on anything but I'm curious. If one was to buy a brick of primers off a place like Midway when they are available at their current price of $80, what would your total be with the hazmat fees and shipping?
I've never paid hazmat on anything but I'm curious. If one was to buy a brick of primers off a place like Midway when they are available at their current price of $80, what would your total be with the hazmat fees and shipping?
I've bought primers from both Midway and Powder Valley recently. At Midway the primers were ( all rounded numbers) $83, hazmat $13 and they had free shipping which equals $96. At Powder Valley the primers were $75, hazmat $20 and shipping $10 = $105. Midway may have raised their hazmat, I'm not sure and I have heard they stopped doing the free shipping, if so their shipping is usually $10-12.
I've bought primers from both Midway and Powder Valley recently. At Midway the primers were ( all rounded numbers) $83, hazmat $13 and they had free shipping which equals $96. At Powder Valley the primers were $75, hazmat $20 and shipping $10 = $105. Midway may have raised their hazmat, I'm not sure and I have heard they stopped doing the free shipping, if so their shipping is usually $10-12.
Thank You. Didn't know what that ran. Bad enough but wouldn't of shocked me if it was even higher.
Well that was an easy decision on the IMR 4350. Called up and both 8 lb jugs they got in are gone. Lol. Crazy. They still have three 1 lb cans left, but I'm not interested in those. Guess next time they get an 8 lb in I'll have to drop what I'm doing and run up and buy it.

They do still have a 8 lb jug of H4350. In some ways probably a better powder, but I have numerous cartridges and loads with IMR that I have so much confidence in, it's hard for me to make the switch. IMR 4350 has been a peach of a powder for me really.
Well that was an easy decision on the IMR 4350. Called up and both 8 lb jugs they got in are gone. Lol. Crazy. They still have three 1 lb cans left, but I'm not interested in those. Guess next time they get an 8 lb in I'll have to drop what I'm doing and run up and buy it.

They do still have a 8 lb jug of H4350. In some ways probably a better powder, but I have numerous cartridges and loads with IMR that I have so much confidence in, it's hard for me to make the switch. IMR 4350 has been a peach of a powder for me really.
So how much are the 1 lb cans of IMR 4350?

I paid $49 for 1 lb of RL16 about 6 months ago at the LGS. Might as well buy it from PV or Midway.
So how much are the 1 lb cans of IMR 4350?

I paid $49 for 1 lb of RL16 about 6 months ago at the LGS. Might as well buy it from PV or Midway.
$39 or $39 and change, don't remember exactly what they said because I got prices on a couple different things, but less than $40. So, an 8 lb jug is $300 which would come to $37.50 per lb. Not much savings, but I still like to get an 8 lb in a powder I use a lot.