WV Hunting-Fishing Comment Form


Nov 5, 2015
Anybody from WV who hunts-fishes in WV this is a good way to express your thoughts on proposed regulations. Just print out the form, fill out and mail. Much easier than attending one of the regional meetings. Go to WVdnr.gov/regulations-questionnaire.
I hope you have competent people reviewing those questionnaires. WI DNR leaders are a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡
I hope you have competent people reviewing those questionnaires. WI DNR leaders are a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡
I have been filling these out for a few years and couple years ago got a call from the head biologist concerning one of my comments regarding their reason for how they regulated the antler restriction in older age deer management areas. That was a first and I told him so. I appreciated him reaching out to me and explaining it. Didn't necessarily agree with it but understood his position. Dan.