Today's Quail

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Our old friend Dan! Photo taken today, while walking the bird dog.


Also saw this guy! Maverick about went nuts. :grin:


Thanks for sharing Guy.
Wish those birds were still in my area.
Between the switch to no till farming and land development along with the bird flu they are long gone and I haven't seen a live Pheasant since back in the 1980's in my area unless they were pin raised.
California quail are certainly handsome little birds. We didn't have them in KS or in TX, though we did have bobwhite in huntable numbers in both states. We have these beautiful little creatures here in southern BC.
Actually a great shot of the quail, really shows his full plumage/colors. Always loved chasing them, always a couple coveys near the house growing up. Dad wouldn’t let us hunt “house quail” which drove me and our dogs nuts.

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Thanks! Ya, the quail posed so nicely, and at rather short distance. Proud of himself I think. :grin:

I barely managed a photo of the pheasant, he was in pursuit of a hen pheasant, and quite some distance away, so I had to zoom in quite a bit, then blow the photo up a bit too. Lost some resolution doing so.

A few minutes after seeing the pheasant, my dog was on his scent, and then the rooster flushed wildly! I don't know if I could have gotten him with my shotgun, but I'd have loved to try! In season of course, and in an area where hunting is legal. This place is actually inside the city limits, a wonderful local trail and area. And it has remained open for walkers & joggers throughout the quarantine. Thankfully.

We have about a dozen quail that cruise through our back lot nearly daily. We had a pair of mallards last night and some geese and a wild turkey last week. And we live in the Boise city limits. There is getting to be less undeveloped ground and it seems like the same number of animals are flocking to less land.