How's everyone doing?


Mar 6, 2017
Me, doing alright, but haven't been on here much. Biden economics have driven me into survival mode for the time being. Working on keeping things tip top shape in the produce patch I put out every yr.........this yr is 4 different types of potatoes along with sweet corn. Personal garden as well, and been doing mechanic work on some of Dad's old tractors out at his shop.

Not doing any shooting, will pick it back up late summer or this fall. Clear to me we are in new times and entering unchartered least for the time being. Doing what I can to make sure I'm not caught flat footed when it gets worse. Can't wait to come out on the other side of this administrations disaster, but for the time being head down and pushing on.
Yep, other than some greatly reduced centerfire shooting sessions, mostly just been taking the grand kids to shoot the 22 LR's..Although did splurge a little on father's day and the wife and I shot up about 1K 223's through the AR's (still have about 10X that stashed away) I don't have much time to tend a garden lately, but 2 of my daughters will keep us in veggies from their gardens. Been buying up mason jars, rings, and lids because my older sister is teaching the wife to can. These are some bizare times we live in, they are worried about nicotine levels in cigs and waging war on e-cigs, but allowing God knows who, and enough fentanyl to poison every man, woman, and child 4X over to freely flow across the southern border.
I'm staying busier than a retired man should be!

Hiking hard, pushing the pace, three days a week. Walking more casually most days. Trying to stay fit.

Shooting offhand, and off the shooting sticks at least once a week.

Melting some clear ballistics gel blocks today, to re-cast and re-use.

Continuing to work on projects for Ultimate Reloader. :) That keeps me real busy!

Looking forward to South Africa in a few weeks. Bear season in August. Elk season in September. Doe tag with my lever gun in December... Yes!

Regards, Guy
Yep, other than some greatly reduced centerfire shooting sessions, mostly just been taking the grand kids to shoot the 22 LR's..Although did splurge a little on father's day and the wife and I shot up about 1K 223's through the AR's (still have about 10X that stashed away) I don't have much time to tend a garden lately, but 2 of my daughters will keep us in veggies from their gardens. Been buying up mason jars, rings, and lids because my older sister is teaching the wife to can. These are some bizare times we live in, they are worried about nicotine levels in cigs and waging war on e-cigs, but allowing God knows who, and enough fentanyl to poison every man, woman, and child 4X over to freely flow across the southern border.

Wife and I been canning for years and seem to be doing more all the time. Spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, tomato juice, peaches, applesauce, apple pie filling, grape juice, grape jelly, beets, pickles, string beans, sauerkraut, and some meats. Probably forgetting some of what we can.

I say all that to say this, if you run into something you have questions on, let me know..........I can at least tell you what works for us. It's a good skill set to know and in my opinion much of it can't be beat as far as good food compared to store bought.
Wife and I been canning for years and seem to be doing more all the time. Spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, tomato juice, peaches, applesauce, apple pie filling, grape juice, grape jelly, beets, pickles, string beans, sauerkraut, and some meats. Probably forgetting some of what we can.

I say all that to say this, if you run into something you have questions on, let me know..........I can at least tell you what works for us. It's a good skill set to know and in my opinion much of it can't be beat as far as good food compared to store bought.
Golly, a wealth of information you have, and may well be asking..luckily big sis was brought up on moms heels learning the ins and outs. I do wish I’d have paid to more attention to what mom was doing. I just remember the day the pressure cooker went off and covered the kitchen in tomato sauce. The old stovetop ones that didn’t have the safety features of the newer ones. You really had to stay on top of things just in case the little steam vent did fail to release. I think she canned most everything. And I really don’t remember many store bought sauces or veggies and her pickles were outstanding. My favorite being squash pickles. Canning has made a comeback the last few years. This all reminds me, I need to get big sis to teach us mom’s chow-chow relish recipe.
Canning has been going on in my family for years. Along with the veggies don't forget to can the deer and squirrels. They are delicious and make a quick meal. Feel free to ask for our recipes. If you grow it or kill it you can can it. Dan.
Canning has been going on in my family for years. Along with the veggies don't forget to can the deer and squirrels. They are delicious and make a quick meal. Feel free to ask for our recipes. If you grow it or kill it you can can it. Dan.

Ha, yep. My Mom canned everything under the sun. The amount of food that woman stored away every yr and how hard she worked makes me look like a start up. Was 6 of us kids and we used up a lot of food. Butchering and canning was an ongoing occurrence. Seemed like everything we did was 1 way or another preparing for something we would be using tomorrow or in the near future. I've told people I was 10 yrs old before I realized my name wasn't "go get wood." :unsure: :D
Didn't can it myself, but I was given recently seal, moose, and rabbit from Newfoundland, and beef from northern BC (well, I was told it was beef). It is all mighty fine dining.:)
I'm staying busier than a retired man should be!

Hiking hard, pushing the pace, three days a week. Walking more casually most days. Trying to stay fit.

Shooting offhand, and off the shooting sticks at least once a week.

Melting some clear ballistics gel blocks today, to re-cast and re-use.

Continuing to work on projects for Ultimate Reloader. :) That keeps me real busy!

Looking forward to South Africa in a few weeks. Bear season in August. Elk season in September. Doe tag with my lever gun in December... Yes!

Regards, Guy
Yep- they tell me thats the "trouble" with retirement. Good to hear you are well and "well engaged". And some tags to boot! Enjoy! Me- I'm working too much and trying to look out for Mom and some other family obligations. Have one project I am working on occasionally for a friend. CL
Summer time has finally hit here in SW Montana, trying to keep up with the yardwork, tend a garden, and other projects around the house now that I'm not working away from home, really nice being home with the wife and kids. Been out shooting and fishing a little and getting into the mountains, will have to start cutting firewood soon.
Working. A lot. There’s so much to do and so few people who want to do it. It’s wide open for those who don’t mind getting a little dirty.