Today's 1911 training with my son

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
At the gun club today, my youngest son and I each put 50 rounds downrange at 7 yards. We did a variety of self-defense shooting drills and had a blast. Yes, I still out-shoot him with handguns, but I've fired about a gazillion more handgun rounds than he has. We are both using full size 5" steel frame Kimber 1911's.


Nobody shot the center target, that's just sunlight coming through the 4x8 sheet:

And this factory loaded 185 grain ammo is superb!


Regards, Guy
What a great day you and your son had!
I can´t wait for my son to be a little older so I can start teaching him the basics of shooting.
Your son had some really good grouping. With a little practice, he'll be able to equal you.
Besides having the Nosler 185 gr Match ammo, did you have any reloads you were using?
I was wondering, do you have any load recipes I might be able to duplicate?
If so, I would greatly appreciate it.
Keep up with the good groups, and with showing your son that his old man still has a trick or two up his sleeve.


Sent from my motorola one using Tapatalk
Today we just shot a box of Nosler ammo each. Nosler puts that stuff on a terrific sale every now and again, and I'll buy a few hundred rounds whenever it's available.

The bullet, their 185 gr JHP is a match-grade bullet and often available from Shooters Pro Shop at a deep discount. I buy them by the thousand when they're available.

If I'm not loading those, I'm usually loading Berry's plated bullets, or just cast lead 200 - 230 grain bullets.

The Unique powder I have is OLD. Made back when the dinosaurs were still walking the earth. It's dirty as all get out, but capable of fine accuracy. Just need to clean the gun more often.

Winchester 231 and Bullseye have both made wonderful loads, BUT be careful, it's entirely possible to double charge a case! Nosler has some excellent loads listed in their manual and online.

There are supposedly better, newer powders. I haven't tried them yet as I have a good supply of those three old standards.

Sounds like a great day for both of you!

Looking forward to getting my new to me Kimber Eclipse Custom II in 10mm home...just waiting for the transfer to be completed now.
Nice, I ended up with a Kimber Eclipse 45 a few years ago. But, I really don't use it much and might put it up for sale. I seem to just keep using the same one I bought back in 1997. Maybe I didn't need that newer, prettier one?


Oh, that Kimber is a beauty, Guy!
I wouldn't sell it. It seems to be a really good shooter.
Thank you for your advice. I do like to use Berry's bullets as well.
I have 200 Hornady 230gr LRN bullets to shoot up before buying some more. But, I have been looking at Berry's bullets to buy, and use as reloads.
I have a newer 1lb canister of Unique, and AA7, plus Longshot, Titegroup, and CFE Pistol. The CFE Pistol looks like a promising powder for the grand ol' .45 Auto.
Keep up the good shooting with your son.


Sent from my motorola one using Tapatalk
Guy, over the years I've used a ton of 231 and also universal clays. As of late I've tried a new powder WW244. It burns super clean with Berry's 200 grain round nose. You are correct in that if you are not careful it is possible to double charge. I use a single stage press so a flashlight check of each case after loading is a very simple procedure.