Spring Fever Setting In


Apr 30, 2016
This time of year the itch to get out after those spring gobblers sets in..I think its probably my favorite type of hunting...For several years my family took a hiatus from from spring gobbler hunting after a "hunter" (and i use that term loosely) mistook my grandfather and his old Lynch box call for a turkey and shot him twice, resulting in his death..So it was a long time before I took up the sport again, but that nervous feeling and the fear that some idiot would take a shot at me lingered for several seasons..But now the passion is back in full effect and I've been in my shop making wood chips fly! I just finished up this one and it is full of raspy old hen! I can't wait to get out with it opening morning! It's a copper scratch surface with a glass sounding board (resonator) underneath and in a nice piece of rare Ciricote wood that is native to the Caribbean..Paired it with a blue gum striker..It's the 3rd or 4th one of these I've made, but usually end up giving them away.


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Wow! The death of your grandfather would put you off of hunting! To hear that someone shot him once is bad, but twice? Was the shooter ever charged with an infraction/crime?

That is a beautiful call. If it never worked, it would be a pleasure to see. Congratulations on a job well done. The next time you make one, I would be most interested in seeing some photos of the steps you take from start to finish.
Tough story about your grandfather!

Beautiful work with that call. My goodness, that looks nice!

Thanks gents!

Mike: yes two times is hard to believe, the man was using a double barrel 12 and shot from behind,,This was 30 years ago and we didn't have the extended range shells we have now, so he was within 30-40 yards...Yes, he was charged with several offenses including manslaughter, and hunting without a license..But before there was a trial he OD'd and died.
Sorry about your grandfather. That is a tough one! Great looking calls you made. Your grandfather would surely be looking down and watching your next trip out there. I know he would want you to.
So sorry about your grandfather, that had to be real hard on your family.

Excellent work on the call, your grandfather would be very proud of you.
Sorry to hear about your loss.

You make a killer looking call. If it sounds anything like it looks, you better be ready to haul feathers out of the woods.

I love turke hunting!!!
Sorry that you lost your Grandfather so tragically.
I know where your coming from and have been shot at twice by stupid hunters and stalked by another who killed a turkey in front of me that I had called in. After the third time I gave it up and haven't considered hunting them since. The only thing that saved me was that I sat up in a very cancelled position with rocks and trees covering my back and they the hunters never saw me.
I had a chance to talk to each one of these idiots and none of them had calls or knew how to call a turkey in. Two of them took sound shots and the third who was stalking me just happened to see the bird step out from behind a log and shot it before I could. He admitted that that was the bird he was looking for and asked if I had seen both birds. I cussed him telling him I was the other bird he was stalking and yeah the other two guys got a piece of my mind also when I caught up to them.
truck driver":1j3jvu6n said:
Sorry that you lost your Grandfather so tragically.
I know where your coming from and have been shot at twice by stupid hunters and stalked by another who killed a turkey in front of me that I had called in. After the third time I gave it up and haven't considered hunting them since. The only thing that saved me was that I sat up in a very cancelled position with rocks and trees covering my back and they the hunters never saw me.
I had a chance to talk to each one of these idiots and none of them had calls or knew how to call a turkey in. Two of them took sound shots and the third who was stalking me just happened to see the bird step out from behind a log and shot it before I could. He admitted that that was the bird he was looking for and asked if I had seen both birds. I cussed him telling him I was the other bird he was stalking and yeah the other two guys got a piece of my mind also when I caught up to them.

Yes, spring gobbler is probably one of the most dangerous hunts. My brother had a bird shot out from under him a while back..Now we only hunt on a private farm where there is only one way in and we can see if anyone comes down the road.So they either have to trespass and jump the fence, or to come in from public land means a 2 mile hike then crossing a river and jump the fence on that side...Still, I put one of those orange safety vests about 4' above my head strapped tight to the tree i'm against..I make sure its snug enough so it doesn't move in the wind..So far the birds don't pay it any mind.
We are required to wear blaze orange while Turkey hunting because of the number of shooting accidents.